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A Snarky View (vol 4)

Disclosure: Since the A-Rod Rockne Show is on hiatus until coach Akua29's financial demands are met, the powers-to-be has given the green light to "A Snarky View". This show will hopefully be a sarcastic view of things going on in Rockne. If you are thin-skin, please stop here before your feelings are hurt.

Before we get started, any coach who would like to fill in for the Smart Dog, please send a site mail to the unworthy author listed above. You may also include any topics that you would like to discuss with the Snarky Dog.

Smart Dog: We're back for the fourth edition of A Snarky View. We will take a look at how well Snarky Dog did in his initial picks. Then we will see how he feels about the upcoming three games on the schedule. So Snarky Dog, how does it feel to be back again.

Snarky Dog: I should be in bed dreaming of some beautiful b*tches instead of being up doing this. Don't know if I am popular doing this, but at least I have one like...isn't that so Bigpoppa85.

Smart Dog: During your first eight games, you went a very respectable 6-2. We previously discussed your loss with Tusculum. The SAC did it to you again with Shepherd disregarding your pick and beating Southern Connecticut State.

Snarky Dog: Smart Dog, you got it all wrong...again. I went 8-0. It isn't my fault these coaches can't follow simple suggestions and do as I predict. Maybe we should petition our new bosses at SportsHub and get the SAC removed from D2.

Smart Dog: Before we get to the picks, can you believe we have over 340 views already.

Snarky Dog: I was waiting for you to bring that up. My spies have told me you view it 15-20 times a day.

Smart Dog: Not guilty but I'm not wasting my time defending myself. On to the games.

Snarky Dog: This will be easy since there are only three top-25 match-ups and they are all Gulf South Conference games. If any of them could win the title, then they would easily be recognized as the Top Dog. Unfortunately the soup bone gets caught in their grizzle when the game become important. Anyways, the picks are Valdosta State over the upcoming Harding squad as an appetizer, North Alabama squashing Central Arkansas in the main event, and then coming back for another squashing, this time against West Alabama for dessert.

Smart Dog: Since there are so few games to look at, let's improve our vision and get your prediction on some other interesting games coming up.

Snarky Dog: You just keep up with the torture. Tonight, Northern Michigan over Hillsdale. Tomorrow in a very interesting game Humboldt State with their new coach continue their rivalry with North Dakota State. Coach Zharkins doesn't act neighborly as his passing attack will take time for the new coach to figure out. For those a little slow on the draw, the pick is North Dakota State. Then on day 3, Edinboro over West Chester and Ferris State over Grand Valley State. Now for a moment to honor Smart Dog's two previous teams. Ok that's over as Indy defeats Hillsdale.

Smart Dog: That's it for tonight. We should be back tomorrow for what should be an entertaining look at the top team in the WIS rankings.

Snarky Dog: We are back tomorrow for two reasons. First the Smart Dog's boss is out of town and two, the Smart Dog wants the "views". Be forewarn if you are the coach of an over-rated team tomorrow. It will be fun roasting your inflated self. Now to the cushy pillow and my dreams...

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